南北極互換身分?美佛州機場因磁場移動而重劃跑道A computer simulation shows the Earth's magnetic field lines and two poles, with blue lines directed inward and yellow lines directed outward. 南北極互換身分?美機場因磁場移動而重劃跑道 你知道我們的北極磁場正在移轉當中嗎?根據計算,北極磁場正以年速64公里左右的速度向俄羅斯移動,雖然此移轉對我們的生活並無太大影響,不過卻嚴重地影響到北極以南5600多公里的佛州坦帕國際機場(Tampa International Airport):為了因應移動中的北極磁場,他們必須暫時關閉部份地帶,以重劃機場跑道。 雖然北極磁場慢慢地在移動當中,但遠在佛羅里達的飛機有可能因此被甩出跑道,因指南針也正被影響當中;坦帕國際機場於週四(6日)酒店打工重劃跑道,以免磁場搗亂了飛行軌道。 南北極是由地球內外核的運動所造成的,不過詳細過程目前仍然是個謎。兩極磁場持續在變動當中,每年會移動幾度,但過去從來沒導致這樣大的影響;專家表示,磁場的移位對每個地區的影響不一,雖然坦帕機場的跑道必須重劃,但不表示所有的機場都立即需要做出同樣措施。 美國聯邦航空管理局(FAA)表示,機師的方位絕對不能有偏差,導航的圖表以及跑道的指示是依造經度、緯度還有兩極磁場所劃定的。 以時間看來,磁場移動的速度其實相當緩慢,不過最新一次的移動是百年來最戲劇化的一次,磁場從1904起,每年向東北方移動14公里左右,不過從2007開始,磁場開始向俄羅斯西伯利亞的方向「狂奔」,年速在64公里上下。 磁場移動的速度以及方向都是無法預測的,南系統傢俱北極也曾「互換身分」過,時間在78萬年前,下一次的誰也不知道,不過到時候可不是重劃機場跑道那麼容易解決的 原文網址: 南北極互換身分?美機場因磁場移動而重劃跑道 | 頭條新聞 | NOWnews 今日新聞網 Runway changes are needed to account for the moving magnetic pole, which is nearing Russia at 40 miles per year. Shift of Earth's magnetic north pole affects Tampa airport TAMPA - Scientists say the magnetic north pole is moving toward Russia and the fallout has reached -- of all places -- Tampa International Airport .The airport has closed its primary runway until Jan. 13 to 有巢氏房屋repaint the numeric designators at each end and change taxiway signage to account for the shift in location of the Earth's magnetic north pole.The closure of the west parallel runway will result in more activity on the east parallel runway and more noise for residential areas of South Tampa .The busiest runway will be re-designated 19R/ 1L on aviation charts. It's been 18R/ 36L , indicating its alignment along the 180-degree approach from the north and the 360-degree approach from the south.Later this month, the airport's east parallel runway and the seldom used east-west runway will be closed to change signage to their 整合負債new designations.The Federal Aviation Administration required the runway designation change to account for what a National Geographic News report described as a gradual shift of the Earth's magnetic pole at nearly 40 miles a year toward Russia because of magnetic changes in the core of the planetMagnetic North Pole Shifts, Forces Runway Closures at Florida Airport The planet's northern magnetic pole is drifting slowly but steadily towards Russia -- and it's throwing off planes in Florida .Tampa International Airport was forced to readjust its runways Thursday to account for the movement of the Earth's magnetic 建築設計fields, information that pilots rely upon to navigate planes. Thanks to the fluctuations in the force, the airport has closed its primary runway until Jan. 13 to change taxiway signs to account for the shift, the Federal Aviation Administration said.The poles are generated by movements within the Earth's inner and outer cores, though the exact process isn't exactly understood. They're also constantly in flux, moving a few degrees every year, but the changes are almost never of such a magnitude that runways require adjusting, said Paul Takemoto, a spokesman for the FAA.The magnetic fields vary from place to place. 房屋二胎Adjustments are needed now at airports in Tampa , but they aren't immediately required at all airports across the country.So just how often is something like this necessary? "It happens so infrequently that they wouldn't venture a guess," Takemoto told "In fact, you're the first journalist to ever ask me about it."Takemoto was quick to point out that the change, which also was required at Tampa 's smaller Peter O. Knight airport, will have no effect on passenger safety. "You want to be absolutely precise in your compass heading," he pointed out. "To make sure the precision is there that we need, you 東森房屋have to make these changes." Kathleen Bergen, another spokeswoman for the FAA, explained that runway designations and charting rely upon geomagnetic information. "Aviation is charted using latitude and longitude and the magnetic poles," she told The busiest runway at Tampa International will be re-designated 19R/ 1L on aviation charts. It had been 18R/ 36L , indicating its alignment along the 180-degree approach from the north and the 360-degree approach from the south, explained an article in the Tampa Tribune detailing the changes. Later this month, the airport's east parallel runway and the seldom used 居酒屋east-west runway will be closed to change signs reflecting their new designations as well. "The Earth's poles are changing constantly, and when they change more than three degrees, that can affect runway numbering," Bergen said. While rejiggering the runways is a very extreme event, the fields are constantly in flux and constantly being remapped, explained Lorne McKee, a scientist with the geomagnetism division of Natural Resources Canada. "Since the fields change relatively slowly, they're marked out at 10 degree increments," he explained. The field has swung from approximately 10 degrees east in the late 16th century to 訂做禮服25 degrees west in the early 19th century -- before returning to a current value of about 3 degrees west. It wasn't immediately clear when or even if changes would be required at other airports. And even the rate of change is inconsistent, McKee said, noting that it's changing much more quickly at the poles themselves. Beyond just sliding around the planet, the magnetic north and south poles have been known to completely flip as well; these reversals, recorded in the magnetism of ancient rocks, are unpredictable. The last one was 780,000 years ago. Are we overdue for another? No one knows.'s Jana Winter 酒店兼職contributed to this report.

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